While there is no specific diet for Kambo, being as clean as possible with your consumption will benefit you on the day of your ceremony. Reducing fats is recommended to give your liver a rest before receiving the ultimate detox.

Absolutely no alcohol or recreational drugs for 48 hours before (or after) ceremony, and no solid food for 10 hours beforehand.

Please refrain from saunas, steam rooms, sweat lodges, hot yoga for 3-5 days on either side of receiving Kambo. We also strongly advise against enemas, colonics, liver flushes, or any detoxes (especially water based) within 10 days on either side of your treatment.

Take good care of yourself in the days and weeks leading up to your Kambo ceremony; eat nourishing food, stay hydrated, ground and spend time in nature, be aware of the messages or synchronicities that come, the spirit of the medicine starts working within us the moment we make the commitment.

The mystical element of Kambo is that it works strongly with your intentions, ask yourself:

  • What is drawing you to sit with Kambo?

  • What would you like to get out of your experience?

  • How would you like to feel after?

  • What would you like to heal in your body, heart, and mind?

  • Where do you feel blockages in your life and in your body?

Take time to journal, meditate, or take a relaxing walk alone. Be inquisitive and listen for messages that will guide you to your intentions.

If you are receiving Kambo in a morning ceremony, you will not eat or drink anything prior to your treatment. If you are feeling very thirsty, you can have small sips of water.

For an afternoon or evening ceremony, your system should be clear of solid food for 10 hours. Light water throughout the day and a smoothie up to 5 hours before your ceremony is ok. You want to feel strong coming in so a smoothie is recommended.



You will drink 1.5 litres of water before the medicine goes on so minimal fluid intake prior is important to avoid hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood due to dilution from excess fluid). The water acts as a conduit pulling toxins from the cells and organs and flushing them out in your purge. Not everyone purges with Kambo, but most will. Without a purge, toxins will release in their own time and exit the body physically through waste release, skin, or sweat and energetically through emotion and/or somatic release.

Kambo can be applied anywhere on the body, the traditional way is the upper arm or inner ankle area. We will decide together what is best for your treatment depending on intention and intuition. Working with the chakras, meridians or ears (auricular) are also very effective ways to receive the medicine.

We apply Kambo through ‘gates’ which are entry points into the lymphatic system by burning the top layer of skin with a natural incense stick. Usually for your first treatment, you can expect to receive 3-4 points.

You will begin to feel the medicine moving through the body almost immediately. You can expect to experience an increased heart rate, fast dilation of the blood vessels causing a pounding or rushing sensation, some swelling of lips, face, and/or throat, skin tingling, some dizziness and some may receive insights and messages. As the nausea sets in, toxins are loosened and collected, this will bring you to the purge. I will be there to ensure your safety and support you with sage, palo santo, agua de florida, rattles, a drum and traditional music from the jungle.

The uncomfortable part of the experience is not the Kambo, it is the toxins your body is releasing. You manifest this discomfort every day but don’t realize it - because this energy is dispersed throughout the body rather than localized.

You will then purge out the toxins; which works on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. This work can be exhausting so a rest is needed after your process. Tea, fruit and a light meal with be offered to energize your body after your treatment. You will be fine to drive home after your ceremony. Some feel the health benefits immediately and others within the days following. Always trust the medicine and the purging process as everyone’s body and experience is different.



After Kambo, the entry points are closed with a Peruvian anti-bacterial/anti-fungal tree sap (Dragon's Blood). This helps the entry points heal faster and acts as a "liquid bandage", while offering a secure antibacterial barrier.

Two days after treatment, on top of the Dragon’s Blood, colloidal silver or coconut oil can be used to aid healing process and limit scarring. Please stay away from any chemical products such as Neosporin.

The entry points will heal and fade with time but depending on your skin colour and type, you may always have small visible scars. Most people see their Kambo scars as warrior markings and wear them with pride.

Kambo resets our systems. It clears out harmful toxins, negative energy, and limiting beliefs - a time to begin again.

In the days and weeks following, people often report increased senses, positive mood, high stamina, quick reaction time, emotional breakthroughs, clarity, motivation, a feeling of lightness, and less stress. Post-Kambo is a fantastic time to make positive lifestyle changes, face and reprogram negative habits and connect deeper with our intuition from a grounded and balanced perspective.

Kambo stays with us long after our session; revealing and releasing, guiding and protecting.

  • Do not drive if you feel weak or lightheaded.

  • Do not operate heavy machinery or engage in physically stressful situations within 24 hours of the session.

  • Re-mineralize with mineral water and/or coconut water to restore vital nutrients and electrolytes.

  • Hydrate but do not overdo it. Daily water intake should be normal.

  • Refrain from difficult-to-digest and or energetically dense foods for at least 72 hours (or more) such as dairy and red meat.

  • Do not drink alcohol or do drugs after your session, minimum 48 hours - but the longer you stay away from these toxins, the more it will benefit your healing process.

  • Tune in and take note of vibrational shifts. Can you pinpoint certain emotions to a physical sensation and/or location within the body?

  • Integrate grounding techniques such as earthing.

  • Be conscious of your consumption of certain foods, energies, media, people, etc.

  • Eat organic non-processed whole foods when possible.

  • Be intentional and disciplined with your technology use.

  • Develop patience with yourself and the journey.

  • Develop a breathwork, meditation, or yoga practice.

  • Give yourself some space to process your Kambo work.

  • Take time for yourself and in nature.

  • Kambo loves water, take a bath! Some people notice clear insights and messages while sitting in water - like pieces of a puzzle fitting together.

  • Get lots of rest and be grateful for everything you are!

Please reach out if you have questions during your integration, or need guidance or support. I am committed to assisting you through the entire process.